The emperor symbolizes strength, authority, security, power, wealth, charisma, virility, awareness, steadfastness.
The emperor embodies the hightest point of earthly power, and at the same time he is a wise and intelligent figure, often even just.
Inspired by the Marseilles tarot, printed in the same city by François Chosson in 1735, Leo De Carlo transforms two-dimensional images into sculptural figures.
From paper to glass, the artist offers the opportunity to show the symbology drawn in a three-dimensional way: this allows for details, shapes and colors to be added, in order to emphasize the meaning behind each Major Arcanum.
Thanks to the interpretative ability of master Mario Furlan, the Murano Tarots become the tool for discovering the European esoteric culture of the last 300 years.
Born in Venice in 1972. He graduated in Industrial Design at the Milan Polytechnic.
After an experience in the field of goldsmith design, he arrives in Philippe Starck's studio. In Paris he is fascinated by design capable of expressing traditional craftsmanship in a contemporary key. Back in Italy he pursues these expressions by starting to collaborate with companies in which manual skill is a distinguishing element of production.